Halo Duniaaa!!!

Selamat datang di MasoScan Indonesia,  sebuah kelompok berisi manusia yang mencintai keringat dan kerja keras. Kami adalah pecinta manga bergenre sport jadi jelas yang akan kalian temukan disini hanyalah manga sport. Selain itu, karena ada dewi baik hati, kami juga akan menyediakan beberapa Light Novel versi berbahasa Indonesia.

Karena kami masih baru, kami mohon maaf untuk segala kekurangan dan minta kembalian dari segala kelebihan.

By the way, karena ada masalah dengan pihak FB, kami menutup fanpage lama dan mengganti dengan alamat ini like dan share kalian amat berguna loh untuk memacu energi menerima siksaan dan jadi lebih maso lagi.

Rencana Project manga kami adalah:

1. Ace of Diamond

2. Haikyuu!!

3. Yowamushi Pedal

4. Bisa Request

Kalian juga bisa membaca scanlation online kami di bato.to

Sementara rencana Project Light Novel kami adalah:

1. Naruto Hiden
– Kakashi Hiden
-Shikamaru Hiden
Sakura Hiden

2. Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabu Kome wa Machigatteiru

3. Bisa request

Kami juga menerima kontribusi dari reader berupa terjemahan. Kalau kalian suka menerjemahkan material asing ke dalam materi lokal dan ingin berkontribusi silakan tinggalkan alamat email kalian dan kami akan menghubungi kalian.

PS: Kami mempersilakan kalian untuk menggunakan terjemahan kami dengan catatan tidak untuk kebutuhan komersial dan disertai credit

Salam Maso!

25 thoughts on “Halo Duniaaa!!!

  1. First things first, I don’t know the first thing about Indonesian, so, if this isn’t the right place to post this, I apologize, but I didn’t see anything resembling a “contact us” on this site’s homepage. Now, I’ve seen that you’ve begun translating Ace of Diamond for English. That’s awesome and thank you very much for it. Now, even though I’m very grateful for it, I have to be honest, your English is not very good and I would like to ask you, if you’re up for it, if I could proofread it for you. I’ve worked on Ace of Diamond since it was on iMangaScans, since chapter 148, until we lost our translator and the project manager wasn’t really interested in keep going nor finding another translator. So, when TDX picked it up, I moved there as well. Now that they seemingly dropped it as well, and that you’re doing it, I came here to offer my services, because, see, my love for Ace of Diamond is so big, I will go wherever it goes. I can do everything related to scanlation. Cleaning, redrawing, typesetting, proofreading and quality checking. The only thing I can’t do is translating, sadly.

    So, are you up for it?


    1. Uwaaaaaaa it will definitely help! Our translator isn’t that good anyway since she’s quite newbie (that’s why i wrote it’s tentative scanlation and i will definitely delete it if other group is willing to do it in better way. If you don’t mind with it, please leave your email address.. i will send you translation and you can help with cleaning (well i don’t want to bother others too much)
      We’re just a bunch of a sport lovers and rl friend so i don’t put any contact there, just this blog lol


  2. Wah, ada Ind. scanlation team baru (mungkinkah anggotanya udh pada mastah?) Hehe
    Salam kenal (≧▽≦)/


  3. Hi. I’m like the @IGOR MARTINEZ (@KALLAMEZ). I have no clue on Indonesian. I read your work and would like to help with the cleaning as I have seen that some of your pages are of the wrong resolution and that some don’t look good at all. I’m a newb at cleaning, as I’m a typesetter, but I’ve picked up a few things.

    I a huge fan of this manga and I am willing to help.


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